  • PG
  • 88 min
  • 2024
  • Canada
  • English
  • Directed by Paula Elle
  • Peter Bryant,
  • Greyston Holt,
  • Laura Osnes

Hannah and her husband, Rowan, have focused all their time, energy, and attention into trying to have a baby. The pressure to complete their family starts weighing heavily on their relationship. The couple is left questioning if having a child is the right thing to do and if they are still right for one another. When Hannah receives a call from a stranger, named Franklin, who claims to have discovered an antique on the beach bearing an inscription unique to Hannah and Rowan, she reluctantly agrees to meet him to look. Franklin is certain the watch is a long lost heirloom from Hannah's family. In the end, Franklin's patient approach helps Hannah see that the answers to all she seeks will be revealed in God's time.


  • Aug 12 @ 11:00AM

  • Aug 12 @ 5:00PM

  • Aug 20 @ 8:00PM

  • Aug 21 @ 2:00AM

  • Aug 30 @ 11:00PM

  • Sep 20 @ 8:00PM

  • Sep 21 @ 2:00AM

  • Sep 29 @ 5:00AM


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